Wednesday, 27 November 2019

D2 Notebooks!

Υπέροχα τετράδια από τους υπέροχους μαθητές μου!

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Practice games with Garfield
Παιχνίδια για κατανόηση κειμένου και λεξιλόγιο

Friday, 15 November 2019

The Seasons

If you know all the seasons, clap your hands
If you know all the seasons, clap your hands
If you know all the seasons
You’ve got four terrific reasons
To shout out and name the seasons
Clap your hands

If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR”
If you really love the winter, go like this “BRRR”
Because winter is the season
When your nose is always freezing
And you’re shivering and sneezing
Go like this “BRRR”

In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY”
In the spring you run and play and shout “HURRAY
 In the spring the grass is growing And a gentle breeze is blowing
And a warmer sun is glowing Shout “HURRAY”

If you really love the summer, stomp your feet
If you really love the summer, stomp your feet
In the summer you can play
And swim and camp and fish all day
Oh summer please don’t go away
Stomp your feet

If you really love the autumn, slap your knees
If you really love the autumn, slap your knees
When it’s beginning to get cold
And the leaves turn red and gold
Then it’s back to school you go
Slap your knees

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Πώς μαθαίνω ορθογραφία

1. Κοιτώ την ορθογραφία μου πολύ προσεκτικά 

2. Διαβάζω τη λέξη δυνατά

3. Αντιγράφω πολλές φορές

4. Διαβάζω, γράφω και ακούω τη λέξη

5. Καλύπτω με το χέρι μου και γράφω ξανά τη λέξη
5. Ελέγχω αν έγραψα σωστά 

6. Υπογραμμίζω τα λάθη μου

7. Γράφω ξανά

8. Καλύπτω με το χέρι μου και γράφω ξανά

Jungle Animals